Sunday, July 21, 2013

A European Adventure....

A European Adventure.... - welcome friend, how are you today? .. hopefully ok, before I say thank you have been to blog Home Design Help okay on this occasion we will discuss A European Adventure.... besides this article we have also provided a lot of information about the design of the house which is very interesting to see, please later to visit the other pages of this blog, let now please continue to read:

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A European Adventure....

I've already mentioned that we are heading to Italy this August for our annual summer holiday....
what I haven't said is that, instead of flying, we'll be driving...gulp!

We aren't planning to stop, apart from a coffee break or two, and the plan is really to get from A to B as quickly and smoothly as possible.

Every summer we fly to France...and every summer my husband suggests that we drive.
I've always refused....partly because the flight from London to Nice is only 2 hours & partly because my children get horrendously carsick. 
Hence, driving any considerable distance with them has never appealed to me in the slightest.

My husband has memories of happy & hilarious car journeys to Italy when he was 18 years old with his cousin/friends....
....naturally, vomiting children, endless requests for loo & howls of "are-we-there-yet?" were not part of those particular trips ;)

This year we decided to holiday in Italy instead of France & I have decided to embrace the whole idea as a great adventure....why not?

Hopefully driving the 904 miles / 1455 kilometres from London, via France & Switzerland to northern Italy will be a wonderful experience (as opposed to the first & last time we'll ever attempt it!)

Planning our trip has actually been a lot of fun....
having never done a long drive in Europe before, there is more to think about that I had realised, not just booking the Channel crossing, we've also had to think about timing since we are hoping to do the entire 14 hour drive in one day.

A 6am Channel crossing means an early start from London....
having driven down through France we hope to arrive at the Mont Blanc tunnel, which takes us through the Alps and into Switzerland, at just the right time to avoid long queues.

We looked into the best way to pay for the French tolls which you find everywhere on the motorways throughout the country - turns out there is a special chip you buy before travelling, you attach it to your windscreen enabling you to avoid long queues at the tollbooths & you pay one bill for your whole journey when you arrive back in England. Genius!!

We also need to change our breakdown cover & car insurance to cover us in Europe.
Lots of different options but whatever you do make sure you have it!

My uncle drives a beautiful & painstakingly restored Morgan, he took it to France last has a fabulous new engine but for that kind of trip specialist car insurance is essential.

A friend broke down just outside Paris last summer with her 4 children - thankfully she was covered for the use of a hire car to continue her holiday.

Years ago, my brother was driving an old VW Beetle through France & Spain and broke down in the middle of nowhere in southern France....the cost of repairs & vehicle recovery etc was more than the value of the car & in the end he abandoned it.
It may still be there today, possibly with chickens living in it!

Travelling with our own car does has other benefits too - no 15kg baggage allowance for us & I have already mentally packed a box of tableware & linens from home for the fabulous al fresco dinners we'll be enjoying....

I loved this account of a road trip through Tuscany. 

     I found this photo of a home in Tuscany on Pinterest....
our house in Emilia Romagna is exactly the same size, shape & colour!

thank you for reading our article on A European Adventure.... you can book mark in the link can you share also to be beneficial to many people, hopefully this article can provide greater insight into the design of the house the latest evolving

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